Deconstructing Moya

A Farscape Re-watch Project

Category: Tie-Ins

Farscape: War Torn

Noel Oh look, it’s still not Peacekeeper Wars. Yeah, about that… So not only did we have every intention of doing a Peacekeeper Wars piece soon after finishing season 4, but we actually started to write it. We ran into some conflicts over how it should be laid out and put a pin in it, […]

Ship of Ghosts – A Farscape Novel

“My voice… ahhhhhhhh… they won’t obey my voice?” cried Rygel. “It’s… oooooooh… a voice that has commanded billions! If I can’t use my voice, I can’t use the furze!” Pilot looked quizzical. “I do not understand that term, Rygel.” “The furze, the furze… that’s the device that stimulates the rudimentary glandpod at the base of […]